On Jun 25, 4:57pm, "Jim Sudduth" wrote:
> Subject: Re[4]: Carl Musson's VTR query.
> How about in the Monterey area? Lots of great drives and scenery and
> good places to stay and eat.
> Jim
> __________ Reply Separator _____________
> Author: dezn490@wadnr.gov (dave eaton) at SMTPCC3
> So where on the WEST coast do we want it ?????
> Dave
Well, if you really want a VTR meet on the West Coast, its
really pretty easy. Get a few of your club members together,
request a copy of the manual (and read it), then submit a
proposal to the VTR board. These things don't happen by magic,
someone (actually several someones) put them on. There's no
paid staff at a National office that puts them on, its the
hard work of the local clubs. So, get your West Coast club
members to agree to put one on and you'll have another West
Coast VTR meet. ...And I've love to come to Monterey, thank
you very much!
John Lye