In a message dated 96-06-24 14:39:02 EDT, you write:
<< Thanks for all the good advice. My once stock '78 Spit now speeds along
quite well with twin SUs and a header piped straight out to a Stebro
exhaust (it sounds great too!). A little fine tuning left to be done
but otherwise its great. However, I have noticed a signifigant drop in
fuel economy (actually its now on par with my Explorer!)!
Your fuel economy shouldn't be any better or worse than any other carb
combination. A given engine, properly tuned, will only burn so much fuel,
otherwise it's not running properly.
Any time you improve performance of that engine and increase the power output
of an engine, you're going to consume more fuel. You're fuel economy has
probably dropped because you've become a bit more of a "hot foot" - that
I've got twin HS2s on one Spit and dual 40 DCOEs and the other. I get about
28 -29 mpg highway, and about 25 mph mixed highway/around town on both of my
cars. Granted, the HS2 are powering an engine with about 80,000 more miles on
it, but most Spit owners I know get about the same milage (without O/D of
course). My fuel consumption problem starts when I drive a little more
aggressivly, i.e. autocrossing tend to drop economy.
Anyway, older cars tend to be a little less efficient. That's life!
Charlie B.
Capital Triumph Register