From: "Tim Lloyd" <>
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 1996 02:11:34 MST
Subject: Re: Oil Pressure and Stuff
Using 20-50w oil, my 75 TR6 has oil pressure of 60 psi cold idle
and 95 psi under load. When hot the oil pressure drops to about 25
psi at idle and sit at about 60 psi under load. If found that after
I installed a tuned chromed header ( many years back) that this
noticably dropped my hot oil pressure. I believe this is due to the
extreme heat from the header in close proximity to the oil pan
cooking the oil. I use oils blended for extreme use and turbo
charged engines. I would appreciate any ideas to help mitigate this
situation . The engine/car has 52k original miles.
Tim Lloyd e-mail:
George Lucas (founder? of Lucas electric) is the prince
of darkness. He didn't believe in driving at night!