>>When I come to a
>>stop and hit the throttle, the car dies. If I tap the throttle
>>a couple of times quickly, it coughs (just a tiny bit) and then it's
>>fine to accelerate. This will not happen if I leave the choke just
>>a bit out. (So that the idle is a bit fast as it's on the cams.)
>1) No oil in the carb dashpots
>2) Carbs set too lean
>If this doesn't fix it check the timing.
The first would be more likely, but far more likely than either is
that the timing is too retarded. I've had similar problems in the past. You
can watch this by opening the hood (once it's fully warmed up), and while
standing by the driver's side watching the distributer, open the throttle
with your foot (or reach across the engine). Watch the engine stumble/stall
if the retard kicks in before you open the throttle. (This is easy to watch
in the '70 with both advance and retard, since the entire vacuum unit moves
when the retard kicks in - on the later units you probably can't see the retard
in action.)
I just advanced the timing until it was happy at idle and with blipping
the throttle. The other option is to just plug the retard hose and time it
statically (note that timing it dynamically without the retard to stock specs
will (I think) be way off, since the retard is supposed to be active at idle).
You could also time it dynamically to the static timing setting. The retard is
pretty problematic and silly anyways.
Randell Jesup, Scala US R&D, Ex-Commodore-Amiga Engineer class of '94
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Exon food: <offensive words censored by order of the Senate>