Larry wrote:
>Two sure-fire ways to know if your GT6+ is a 1969 or a 1970......
Yet another one would be to drop by my homepage:
- and click your way to my GT6 for sale - this happens to be a 1969,
registered as a 1970 (someone on the list was so kind as to point that out -
I have yet to find time and change it on my homepage) - so any resemblance
should be a pretty good indicator of the year.
GT6 Mk. 2 1970 (for sale)
GT6 Mk. 3 1972 (TR6 engine)
Michael Noerregaard \\\\|//// Ph: (512) 385 9714
2430 Cromwell C, apt. 1306 \\\|///
Austin, TX 78741 ( O O )