In a message dated 96-06-13 15:54:51 EDT, you write:
>Too Lean=hi emmisions (hydrocarbons) so I need to figure this out...
>Does anyone know how to richen a Stromberg carb? They're 175CDSE's...
>it appears that the needle is not adjustable....but logic would dictate
>that the needle needs to come up in the jet. I don't have a Bentley
>manual yet....the Lousy Haynes manual shows a special tool to adjust
>this...but I suspect that's only on the early cars...
>I seem to remember the later Strombergs not having adjustable needles...
>Anyone have a clue?
Got the right tool? There's a 1/8" long handled allen wrench / outer sleeve
tool that goes into the top of the vacuum chamber, after you remove the
damper. Most of the suppliers sell these things for about $8-$10 - check your
High HC means unburned fuel going out the exhaust pipe. This can happen even
with a very lean mixture - know as lean misfire - there's not enough fuel in
the mixture to completely burn the charge. How was your CO reading. A really
low CO and a high HC definately means lean mixture. If you CO and HC are both
high, you're probably running rich.
All later model CDs have adjustable needles, properly accessed by the tool.
Some TR250s (and maybe early 6s) came with non-external adjustable 175s. On
these, the carb piston has to be removed, the retaining screw is loosened and
the needle is manually raised or lowered a "schoche" to adjust mixture. Your
TR6 should, however, adjust with the tool.
Turning the allen wrench clockwise will richen the mixture, counter clockwise
will lean. Please, use the correct tool. Without the outer sleeve of the tool
to engage and hold the piston in the vacuum chamber while you crank on the
allen wrench, you could tear the rubber diaphram.
Happy tuning,
Charlie B.
Capital Triumph Register