You ask about valve clearances on you TR4...
Don't know where the .020 clearance comes from, but Triumph always qouted a
.010 clearance on both intake and exhaust. (Ok for all you nit-pickers, I
believe they also qouted .010 on the intake and .012 or .013 on the exhaust,
I forget which, for the TR2 motor that had steel pedestals on the rocker
shaft, as opposed to the aluminum ones on later motors, but this setup never
came stock on a TR4)
You also say that you have a reground cam in your car, and any specs that
were stated by the cam grinder should over ride the factory specs. If that is
where you obtained the .020 figure, then indeed that is what you should run
with that cam. Clearances are dictated by the way the "clearance ramp" is
ground into the lobe of the cam, hence different clearances for different
The Car Curmudgeon
Nick in Nor Cal