Hi All,
A while ago I bought a brake caliper from an autojumble described as
new, old stock for a spitfire. It looked like a spitfire caliper and
it had Type 14 written on it so I thought it OK. When I tried to fit
it I found that the bolt centres were in the right place, so it could
be bolted on, but it sits slightly too far into the wheel, i.e. it the
pads are too close to the centre of the disk and the caliper touches
the rim of the disk. In all other respects it looks like a spit
caliper; same pads etc. However it does have "Type 14 L Mk II" on it.
Has anyone any idea what its off?
Many thanks,
Jonathan Spit. 1500
Dr J.E.Miles
School of Biological Sciences
University of Birmingham
Birmingham B15 2TT
Great Britain
Tel. 0121-414-5884
Fax. 0121-414-5925