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Re: Triumph dashboard restoration

Subject: Re: Triumph dashboard restoration
From: aj253@rgfn.epcc.Edu (Tony Robinson)
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 95 19:35:38 MST
>        Has anyone on the list had any experience with re-veneering a TR-6
>dash. I am attempting to do so on my spare dash and would like to know the
>results, if any, that any of you might have had with doing this.  
 Don't know if you will receive this twice, had a memory fault on the 
part of my network server.
 I have done exactly what you are thinking of. 
 I did a GT6 and a TR4 with English Black walnut burl veneer.
 I used 3M 90 areosol contact cement. The only one which does not have a 
warning not to use on headliners. It has excellent adhesion and 
resistance to heat and moisture.
 I sanded with 320 granite paper and fisish sanded with 600 wet or dry, 
used dry to remove all hairline sanding marks. Finish was Varathane Ultra
Gloss, four coatsacooring to directions on can. Gloss was too shiny so I 
dulled it a bit with 0000 steel wool and then waxed it out with carnuba wax.
 Looks great and has gotten lots of attention at shows and events.
Good Luck
Tony R.

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