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Re: Fuel injected TR's?

To: Kurt Oblinger <>
Subject: Re: Fuel injected TR's?
From: Bill Sohl Budd Lake <>
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 1995 15:10:09 -500 (EST)
Cc:, Sean Johnson <>
On Fri, 10 Nov 1995, Kurt Oblinger wrote:
>      Petrol injection as it was known was first offered on the home market
>      TR5 (US got carbs and the name TR250) as far as I know PI was offered
>      through the entire model span of the TR6 but never in the US because
>      of emissions and cost.

This is a continuing myth that periodically comes up anytime PI
is discussed.  The fact is that the PI TR-5 and TR-6 would have
had no problem meeting the emissions specs of the day.  The problem
as viewed from the states was a domestic dealer network totally
unfamiliar with PI...not that many TR delaers ever had much of a good
reputation anyway.

This was reported in VTR magazine #33 which contained an interview with
Bruce McWilliams of BL (retired when the interview was done.)

Issue 33 is out of print, so don't ask the obvious next question :-(

>      The PI cars are listed as putting out 155 HP but i have read that 
>      140-142 is closer to the truth for early cars and 127-130 for later
>      TR6's. There are a couple TR5's in the US, one nice one here in So. 
>      Cal. but i don't know of any TR6 PI. 

I looked at a RHD PI TR-6 that was for sale in New York about
10 years ago.  Drove nice, but the price was way out of line for
the condition (rust) of the car.  It was supposed to have
ended up in Long Island NY, but I've never seen or heard of
it again.
Cheers, ---------------------------------------------------------------
Bill Sohl  K2UNK     (Budd lake, New Jersey)      (
VTR Assistant Magazine Editor, Past VTR President (1983-1990)

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