>What should I use to polish up the cylinders? There is some light scoring and
>corrosion, and the pistons don't drop very smoothly. He mentioned Crocus (sp?)
>paper/cloth. What is this and where to buy? Any other preferred methods for
With regards the sticking Damper piston, I have heard(but never tried) that you
can use very fine valve grinding(lapping) paste applied to the side of the
piston, and then 'gently' spin the piston and push/pull it until it operates
smoothly. Sometimes(this happened to my Morris Minor), the actual dash pot
cover can become slightly bent(NOT round anymore), so that the piston no
longers fits properly, I cured this by 'carefully' applying a bit of pressure
in a vice.
Like I said, it wasn't me who said any of this if it screws your carbs up, it
must have been someone hyjacking my account and giving duff advice :-)
Rich (Or maybe it wasn't)