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Stop that buzzing noise

Subject: Stop that buzzing noise
From: (Dan Crone)
Date: Thu, 25 May 1995 03:49:30 -0400
OK.  I'm out in the open now.  I've emerged from 3 months of lurking around
the British Car Lists to pose my first question to the list.  My 75 Spitfire
now has a problem which I created.  Over the winter, I rebuilt the Zenith
CD150 carb.  Piece of cake, or so I thought.  It seems to perform well, and
it no longer drips gas.  

Now for the new problem. Under full throttle, a buzz emerges from the
engine. The noise sounds exactly like the fan blades are striking something
tinny.  I thought it was the tinfoil air intake tube striking the fan
blades, but with the tube off the car, it makes the same noise.

Next, I thought it was a vibration, and I taped down everything that looked
like it might be striking something.  (Duct tape & WD40 are ubiquitous
products, aren't they.) 

I now think the sound is from the carb itself. (It could be something else
went south during the winter, but the carb is the only thing I've "repaired"
on the engine.)  My guesses are that I freed up something that was plugged
up with gunk,or assembled/adjusted something incorrectly, but what?  Has
anyone experienced this after rebuilding their carb? Or does someone
recognize my description of the sound as being indicative of some other
problem?  (What would a bad or failing air pump sound like, for example?) 



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