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Re: Hello from a lurker

To: Phil Willson <>
Subject: Re: Hello from a lurker
From: Andrew Mace <>
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 10:16:17 -0900 (PDT)
Cc: Scions of Triumph <>
On Wed, 10 May 1995, Phil Willson wrote:

> Herald people out there, I would love to hear from you.

Hi, Phil. I guess I could be considered sort of your Yankee counterpart. 
I am the Herald/Vitesse Consultant for the Vintage Triumph Register, and 
I've been around Triumphs for 37 of my almost 42 years. My dad bought a 
new Triumph (Standard) 10 sedan in late 1958. In January 1964 that car 
was replaced with a Herald 1200 Convertible. I still have that Herald 
(in sorry condition but it WILL be restored someday), along with a 
number of other Triumphs I've collected since. My other Heralds include 
a 948 SC saloon and a 948 TC Convertible.

Perhaps you or someone else in TSSC (or here on the list; sorry folks, 
I didn't mean to slight any of you) could answer a question for me 
specifically about Heralds (though it might pertain to other Triumphs as 
well): are body numbers perhaps a more reliable indicator of the order 
of build than, say a Commission number? For example, my Herald 948 TC 
Convertible is Commission number Y 14439 LCV; the body number is 92 RT. 
Does that most likely mean that my Convertible is the 92nd production 
convertible built?

I've enjoyed "Turning Circle" and "Courier" in the past and hope to do 
so again when I can afford to devote more money to the hobby.

Andrew Mace

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