definitely bad grounds.
i attacked those lights with silicon sealant all round the back and over a
newly cleaned up ground connection. they get tons of water/mud/grit thrown
over them.
On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 7:15 AM, Ross <> wrote:
> James,
> Clean your grounds on the front lighting circuit and the problem will clear
> up magically. They are located under the nut front hood (bonnet)rubber
> feet.
> Ross
> OK. Maybe someone out there can explain this to me. I turn on the running
> lights and both front white lights come on. I turn on the right turn
> signal
> and the amber light blinks. I turn on the left turn signal and the white
> light blinks. The left amber light never comes on. I disconnect either of
> the wires to the left running light/turn signal and the white light goes
> out
> when either the running lights or left turn signal is on. I'm stumped.
> Any
> suggestions?
> Jim Pickard
> B9473298 ('65 Tiger)
> AN5L/12109 ('59 Sprite) - sold
> 2003 Mini Cooper
> Lafayette, LA
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