Listers -
I'm replacing the seals on a recently-acquired hard top that was in rough
shape. I haven't owned a hard top before and there was nothing left of the
original weather stripping to see how things work. The top has
brazed/welded weather strip channels on both sides and rear. The corners
also had short diagonal weather strip channels that were riveted in place
instead of brazed - I can't tell if these are supposed to be there or not.
It appeared as if a single piece of weather strip would wrap around the
perimeter of the top/body seal. What was left of the corner pads were
small, brittle fragments, fastened with two sheet metal screws through small
triangular sheet metal plates.
I ordered a one-piece weather strip and two corner seals from Rick. In
trying to wrap the one-piece seal through all the weather strip channels,
it's hard to believe it's supposed to stay in a single continuous piece -
lots of buckling and distortion in the corners and darn hard to work the
stiff seal into the channels. Also, the corner pads are bigger than I
expected and don't seem compatible with having weather strip in the corners.
The screw holes for the corner pads aren't aligned with the holes from the
"original" triangular mount plate. In fact, the new corner pads have
mounting holes that would put screws through the weather strip in the corner
channels, assuming they're supposed to be there.
Is the weather strip supposed to wrap continuously, and are the corner
channels supposed to be there? Are the new-type corner pads mounted using
the old triangular plates? Do the corner pads overlap with or butt against
the surrounding weather strip?
Thanks in advance for your help...
Graham Harlowe
Support Team.Net