Factory specs.....castor 3 degrees 50 min...ie almost 4 positive....camber
30 to 15 min....ie positive one half to one quarter. toe plus 1/8. In other
words Castor about plus 4 camber plus 1/2 to 1/4 toe positive 1/8. in
mine I had them set it to almost no toe, a half degree of negative camber and
they did the best with the caster they could. Only got a couple of degrees of
positive camber, with out shimming the crossmember at the back. They did not
want to do this so we tried it as it was. of the three caster can often be off
a fair bit and on the road you don't notice it as much, esp on a power
steering car. Think of caster as the front forks of a bike, the more they are
kicked out the more stable in a straight line, the more they are closer to
upright the quicker they turn. Look at road bikes and dirt bikes. Anyway mine
steers very nicely on the highway and in tight stuff now takes a much better
thats the negative camber working. I'm happy with it now and am leaving it
the way it is.