<Thanks, but you did not answer the fix, can you clarify in "layman terms" :)
Hi Steve
It takes two wires to light a bulb, one for 12V Hot power
and another to connect to the ground or return..
In our cars Roots made a reasonable connection for the
hot wire, but failure of the ground or return connection
is the usual problem with turn sig reliability.
The Roots design grounded the T/S lamp by the very casual
contact of the lens securing screw to the car body and the
pot metal housing. There is no positive contact, any movment
of the lens or rubber spacer can make the connection intermittent.
Sometimes it gets better by over tighting the screws... till
the lens cracks. :-(
Adding a ground wire means connecting the T/S pot metal frame
to the cars body with a wire. One way is to tap a hole and put
a ground wire to a inserted screw.
Stu's method pulls out the entire T/S bulb socket and
replaces it with a snap in aftermarlket socket. Usually
these come with a ground wire attached, which will have the effect
of grounding the T/S pot metal body. As I recall once you take out the
T/S bulb you hav to drill something like a 1" hole to clear
the snap in socket.
Roots conviently left a place to connect the ground wire...
there is an extra bullet connector right where
the headlite is grounded.
Once I added the grond wire and didn't have to overtighten
the securing bolts I found I never had to replace a broken lens.
If your question is only where can I buy a new T/S body
I have no ans... I have only restored function to used
ones, haven't had trouble for years..
Steve F
Steve Finberg W1GSL w1gsl@mit.edu
PO Box 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139-7082 617 258 3754