gary - though i agree in theory, i would think these spammers get results by
sending out hundreds of thousands (or millions) of spam emails as the
response (purchase) rate to such spam is probably like 1% or so, so i think
they are probably more sophisticated than just manually capturing email
addresses that come across their inbox (which certainly wouldnt be in the
hundreds of thousands). They use complex software to either generate
millions of random email addresses that bomb yahoo and aol is my guess (ever
notice how if you want any random name you decide on to use to open a new
account, your first 5 tries are usually unsuccessful as you pick names
already in use, this speaks to how many email addresses there are out there,
so likely that a random email address generated would have a decent success
rate in hitting real addresses). Though to your theory, i might agree that
may be a way they capture email address, assuming they had a software
program that captured email address as they hit their inbox, but seems like
an unproductive way to generate a few "leads". There are thousands of list
servers, I am guess many ending in ******* ... I am guessing
the spammers are hitting every list serve address with random generated
addresses that utilizes that server, and all servers also. Same problem has
happened to me with any list server i've ever been on.
That all said, ive delete the addresses from the email above to protect us.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gary Crandall"
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2006 12:13 AM
Subject: Spam and Spammers
> When it comes to Spam and Spammers, I would like to add my 2 cents worth.
> Whenver you or anyone else sends out mass emailings, always put all the
> email addresses in the 'bcc' section (blind carbon copy), NOT the 'to'
> section. That way every recipient in the "bcc" section gets their own
> email without any other addresses attached to it and cannot see who else
> you send it to. People blindly forward these emails and along with them
> goes everyone's email address in the 'to' section, whether they wanted it
> to or not. This means that your email address gets sent to people you
> don't even know. When the email accidently gets to a spammer, they now
> have a gazillion confirmed email addresses which to send their crap to.
> Haven't you always wondered how they got your personal address??? "But I
> only email my friends"...and their friends...and their friends...and
> ...Now you know!!! That could be how the Tiger List got on some Spammer's
> email hit list.
> Also, when you forward emails, strip off any email addresses in the body
> of the text message. When I send out emails to more than one person, I
> will address it to either myself or a bogus name in the "to" section and
> put the other email addresses in the "bcc" section. I then just delete the
> email to myself or delete the "failed to send" notice for the bogus email
> address.
> Lastly, this is how internet predators get childrens' email addresses.
> They just watch for one of those kids' chain letters, because it's obvious
> that children are forwarding them with all their friends' addresses in the
> 'to' section. The predators don't even have to leave the house and kids
> all over the country send them their email address without even knowing
> it. Yikes!!!