Steve Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com
My plater would prefer all pieces to be disassembled to insure good
preparation and good plating and finishing. While it is difficult to do
a rivet assembled unit, it is not impossible. However, do not expect
the best results.
You could use the factory method on non-removable assembled pieces and
paint them.
david hall wrote:
>I am looking into plating some of the small chrome pieces for my Tiger. Vern,
>at Vern's Plating, requires the pieces to be disassembled prior to plating the
>individual parts. Looking at the clamps for the soft and hard tops, and clamps
>to close the hard top windows, they seem to be attached with "peened over"
>type head. I can drill out the end of the rod, but how to reassemble? Any
>reasonable solutions? How have people dealt with this in the past? Thanks,