Also with the voltmeter across the battery watch the voltage drop
when you start the engine; anything below 9 volts and your battery is on the
way out. You use to be able to tell if the battery was getting bad if the
radio station pre sets dropped out when you started the car, now most radios
must have a backup battery or capacitor which eliminates that.
Ron Fraser
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Ken Ritacco
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 9:16 AM
To: Derrick Schmidt; Tiger
Subject: Re: Non-Tiger battery vs alternator problem
Derrick, you should put a DC voltage meter across the battery terminals
while the car is idling to make sure the alterator is putting out. With the
car off you should have a reading around 12volts. With the car idling this
reading should be upwards of 14.4 volts if the alternator is working
properly. If the alternator is charging then it is probubly a bad battery.
Ken Ritacco
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