I strongly recommend Smitty, near San Diego. But, as David Sosna wrote
you before:
"BUT :
Smitty has no answering machine. He has no website. CALL BEFOREHAND!
Sorry for shouting, but it had to be said. Let it ring--8-10 times.
(619) 233-7937.
The door is usually closed, and sometimes he's working out back on the
bead blaster or a grinder and can't hear over the noise.
Plan on calling yet again when you get there (if you don't have your
cell phone, there's a pay phone down the street) and let it ring 8-10
times before you give up. Yes, I know I said it above, but it can't be
overstressed. In today's world where I check my e-mail and I see people
yapping on their cell phones in the grocery store or while walking down
the street; in these days when many people expect instant response to a
communication--Smitty works on a different timetable.
Make sure he knows well in advance that you are coming, and make sure to
call again the day of in order to confirm. He may be out otherwise.
The place is incredible. The man even more so. He's a one-man shop, so
while there may be someone down there working on their own project, they
are not there to answer the phone (though they may), they do not keep
track of where he went and when he'll be back--and if he's out, they
can't contact him. Plan ahead, allow *lots* of time (1-2 hours) to
wander around the shop and gawk, and you'll have a great time in
Aladdin's Cave. I know I do, and I get down there frequently wrote:
>My power brake booster for my Tiger is junk and I purchased a good core that
>needs to be rebuilt. Can anyone recommend someone to rebuild my power brake
>booster core or someone who sells rebuilt power brake boosters?
>Thank you.