They are not bolt in unless you want to bolt in a whole new rear end. I
just went through a posi and gear ratio upgrade on my car. I got a rebuilt
posi unit(called "power lock") and used gears from Barry Schonberger. Barry
also provided new bearings and shim kits. I had a former STOA member in
Fremont California, Jim Roney, install the posi and gears. I got to "help"
Jim install it and it was actually quite fun.
The rear end has to come completely apart and it requires some special
tools, micrometers, a large press and a few tricks. Installing the new
gears involves shimming pinion freeplay, pinion depth and carrier side to
side alignment with the pinion. The latter two provide for the proper
meshing of the ring gear and pinion. This involves a lot of trial and error
and can be quite time consuming. Expect the carrier and pinion assemblies
to be in and out several times.
Note on used gear sets: The new gear sets must be patterned matched in
order to have them run quiet. This means that not only does the ring and
pinion need to be set up to spec but in addition they need to be set up
exactly the same as when in previous service. This adds to the trial and
error factor and makes the job a little harder. In some cases it is not
possible because there is no shim adjustment for pinion height offset in the
case, this adjustment is built into the pinion and you have to have the
right pinion offset for your case (I did!). The gears I got from Barry were
pretty nice, Jim was impressed. They had very little wear on them and Jim
tried hard to get a good match and I'm hopeful it will turn out OK.
No, not a bolt in. On the other hand it is fun and If you have the tools
and have seen it done once or twice you could probably do it yourself.
-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Jim Parent
Subject: Limited Slip Diff
I'd like to put a LSD into my early Tiger. What might be the best path to
do this? Are there bolt in units available? Do I go to a speed shop and
get a Ford rear end cut down and custom installed?
Does anyone have experience with this?