Here's a simple historical trivia question for you guys:
Who is considered to be the king of American popular music? Here's a hint
- he had forty-three #1 hits in 4 years. That's more than Elvis and more
than The Beatles....
- John
At 01:26 PM 1/6/2005, you wrote:
>All of us Tiger owners are obviously attracted by time tested historical
>cars. Many of us are getting "historical" too.
>Would you like to find just how old, or when famous people, songs, and
>movies compare to your own age?
>This information might amaze you, and I would not be surprised if a great
>many do not know some of those people and events listed.
>Check your driver's license, if you have forgotten your birthday, then let
>a young relative take a run thru the pages and find all the people and
>events he never heard of: "Who is "Mr. Spock"?". :-)
>Happy New Year - You just added another to your impossibly lengthy existence.