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To: Steve Laifman <SLaifman@socal.rr.com>
Subject: Re: LRFXE
From: R�gent Gagnon <regentgagnon@rogers.com>
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2004 21:55:03 -0400
Does it mean I can't believe you because you are not a foreign source?

Regent Gagnon
B382100371 (Orchid Green)
Ottawa, Canada

On Sep 7, 2004, at 21:07, Steve Laifman wrote:

> Dave,
> Some people will believe anything they are told. Especially from 
> foreign sources, or if someone puts it in a book.
> "LRFXE" means "Lawrence Roots Fools "X" (expatriate) Englishmen".  
> There was also a 5% Tea Tax on all Sunbeam Exports to the "Colonies".  
> "We don't get mad, we get even!"
> Larry was a hired as Chief Acronym Creator so he wouldn't be hanging 
> around pubs and show up on the Police Blotters with the Rootes name 
> attached.
> LLTHQ - "Long Live The Queen" - Up The Empire!
> :-)
> Steve

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