I think you under estimate the power of words, and yours in particular (that
is a complement, not a knock). For what you have just written (though limited
by my not being there) nonetheless has given a significant "flavor" as to what
occurred. And, perhaps unintentional you have given a slice of what I think
many (who were not there) have hoped to find out all along. Coupled with the
pictures Arden provided it has in a large way filled in a "blank page" in my
mind and I would assume others as well.
To anyone who was able to attend SUNI, whether by ease of means or through
great sacrifice, I (we) who were not able to be there by choice or
circumstances really are appreciative of any morsel of information about your
experience. I (we) apologize for acting like kids rousing parents at 5:00 am
on Christmas morning. I would hope that anyone's persistence would be
considered complementary to your experience rather than a pesky nuisance.
Each person sees differently the meaning of pictures and words, but without
them we have no glimpse at all. Some of what you (Tom) relayed seemed in fact
to be stories that you heard rather than experienced first hand, yet they
still added to your occasion. The same is for those of us who were unable to
attend yet are now hearing those same stories. Tom, for whatever reason you
wrote what you did, THANK YOU. I got a lot out of it.
Regards, Tom Witt