In an effort to completely isolate my Tiger A/C system electrics from
the powerful stock Lucas Tiger wiring system, I am now powering the
evaporator 3 speed fan directly from the battery via a 12 guage wire. I
installed a 30amp fuse/holder (also 12 guage) in this wire about 12"
from its connection from the positive battery post in the trunk. While
running the A/C, this fuse gets fairly warm, a bit hot actually. Not
burn your fingers hot, but pretty warm, Would we consider this normal,
or should this fuse assembly be completely cool? The rest of the wire,
before and aft the fuse/holder, is cool. The fuse, by the way, is a
Buss glass tube type, just like our stock 35 amp fuses under the hood,
except it's 30, not 35 amps.
By the way, the 12 guage wire, before I installed the fuse, was cool to
the touch while running the AC. It still is, except around the fuse and
holder. Maybe a 35 amp fuse would be called for?
Ideas, comments and insults (well, maybe not insults) are invited.
Steve Sage