Auto manufacturers generally use a closed cell foam rubber. It
comes in several widths and thicknesses with one sticky tape side.
Hardware stores will probably have it in the window chalking section.
Another possibility is the foam tubes used for insulating water pipes.
Ron Fraser
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Chris Hill
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2003 4:19 AM
Subject: radiator-shroud seal
Hi all,
Maintaining our reputation as the 'low price spread' of Tigerdom, part
our solution to the cooling problems we saddled the list with awhile back is
making a late 80's Taurus fan shroud work as a stopgap until after T.U. It
appears to have about a 50% chance of succeeding, but the sealing surface
against the radiator will probably be only approximately level (anyone who's
tried this knows what I mean). What can I use to make this air tight
(preferably a compressible material rather than a sealer) that won't cook
stiffen or turn into powder? Thanks!
Chris Hill
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