The TE/AE Crab Feast hosted by Tom and Kathy Calvert was a wonderful
event. Good burgers, dogs, brew, and Maryland Crabs.
The weather was perfect, and what a crowd.
We had 3 nervous Guys hovering, as the TAC Inspectors, Sr. Inspector Tom
Calvert, Inspectors, Joe Parlanti, Jim Sencindiver, and me thoroughly
inspected the cars from top to bottom.
And Good News, we have 3 new TACed cars to add to the ranks.
The lists of TACed Tigers is growing at each event.
We also had a last minute guest, Rick Kellett from England, who called
this AM, and said he was in the area, so I invited him to join the group.
Rick is the owner of a Sunbeam Alpine Harrington, and a former Rally
Driver of some note, in a Talbot. I hope to pick Rick's brain more,
especially the goings on at Goodwood. A Mecca that I want to visit.
Thanks Tom and Kathy for being such good hosts, it was great.