>Where does the fire extinguisher go?< Probably into what is left of the
180 lb. carcass also affected by the 10 G impact!!! Tom Witt B9470101
----- Original Message -----
From: "Theo Smit" <tsmit@shaw.ca>
To: <twojohnsons@cox.net>
Cc: "James E. Pickard" <geowiz@cox-internet.com>; "Tiger List (E-mail)"
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 9:16 PM
Subject: Re: Fire extinguisher
> So what happens to that bracket if someone should hit you hard? Remember
that a 10G impact results in a 50+ pound fire extinguisher
> pulling on those pop rivets.
> -Theo
> twojohnsons@cox.net wrote:
> > I pop-riveted two stainless radiator hose clamps to the extinguisher
bracket and
> > fastened it to the rollbar brace.
> > Al J.
> >
> > <snip>