Gary, congratulations on finding your Tiger.
You didn't say too much about where you are or what kind of shape your Tiger
is in, but probably the best thing to do is to get hooked up with some other
local Tiger owners, so you can see their cars and get their experience
firsthand. There are so many legends, stories, and hearsay about Tigers that
you have to treat a lot of what you hear with considerable amounts of
skepticism, especially if you're planning to embark on a restoration,
repair, or modification venture, if the source isn't someone whom you know
has Tiger background.
Don't be afraid of asking questions of the list. We don't have a FAQ handy
(other than what you can glean from the website), but
most common questions have been asked before, will be again, and the answers
will come pretty quickly.
The cast aluminum air cleaner is an aftermarket item that was never offered
through the Sunbeam dealers, but it's meant to complement the "TIGER-Powered
by Ford" LAT-8 valve covers. Someone else on the list more familiar with
Tiger lore can fill you in on production dates and locations. As to the rest
of the goodies that came with your car, you might want to describe them a
little more completely to get an idea of exactly how rare or valuable they
might be (or not).
Best regards,
Theo Smit