Tiger Folk:
I posted many of your replies on the "Tiger as a POS" subject back
to Miata-net, with _no_ replies. Interesting, although it's a message board,
not a e-mail list, and it's so active I'll guess that many readers never
went back to the thread and saw the responses to "the challenge". Or they're
hiding. :^)
Chris, no question in my mind, you -- and several others of us --
could _hurt_ a Miata in a straight line, even a turbocharged one.
The Miataisti are a large & divergent group, driving everything from
stock daily-drivers to all-out SCCA racers, and a reasonable % have upper
the HP through forced induction; there is one bolt-on supercharger kit and
4-6 suppliers of bolt-on turbos. From what I've read, the "holy grail" is
200HP at the rear wheels in a 2100 (early) to 2300lb (late) car, and
remember, you won't see torque like you do w/a V8. So, enough to "spank"
Hondas and Acuras and possibly some stock 'Stangs, but I have doubts about
them taking on anyone serious about straight-line performance.
Uh, cornering is another matter. R&T lists _stock_ cornering at
.92g, and upgrades abound. Participation in club "track days" is high, at
least from the net chatter and the video I've seen (BTW, something over 50
clubs, three I've been to events in within an hour's drive, and a plain ol'
Sunday gathering for a scenic drive looks like Tigers United in scope).
OTOH, if Mr. Patton or Mr. Schonberger happen to be visiting Texas...
As for the Monster Miata with its V8, I see it frequently referred
to but nobody seems to own one. I recall very limited #'s, like <100 cars,
not sure exactly. The Miata engine bay is generous in size, there's room for
a turbo or a V8 but not both. And I haven't read anything on whether the
rest of the car is up to that kind of output (the Miata limited-slip unit is
a Torsen, and we've read here about torque limitations on those, eh?).
Finally, I've not seen anything on the Monster having been engineered like
the Tiger in the weight distribution department.
The Garage Queen hasn't ventured out in almost two weeks (stinkin'
weather since mid-November in DC). I'm kinda thinkin' that the GQ's "winter
treat" will be to freshen the chromework that hasn't been replaced yet;
seeing Larry Paulick's Tiger over the weekend made it clear that my car is
weak in the "gleam" department. So, in January, I can remove some 'bits' to
ship off to the chrome shop. Anyone ever have trouble with chroming the
header tank?
Lawrence R. Wright
"I can't get no -- Satis-Traction"