Hi all,
Tim's post of a few days ago got me thinking that the resistance of the
sender may not be what you want to know, since it's a pain to try to
measure it with the thing in-circuit. Making a bunch of assumptions
(namely, Smiths didn't massively change their sender / gauge setup
through Tiger / Alpine production, and especially that Stu Brennan's
gauge and the one I just used have the same impedance), I measured the
resistance of the temperature gauge (further assumption: it doesn't
change significantly under operation), and from that worked out what
voltage you should see at the temperature sender's connector tab for the
different temperatures:
Temp Sender R Sender V
60 150 7.12
80 77 5.59
90 57 4.84
100 41 4.03
120 24 2.83
This assumes (again!) that you're using the 10V instrument stabilizer
AND that it's working... BTW, the gauge's resistance was 60.7 ohms. It's
from a SV Alpine.
I'll try to get some experimental data this weekend (my sender says '12'
on the side, but it is a straight thread and otherwise appears
correct... I'll measure everything I can).