i do have a fuel filter on the inlet. in fact i have two. i have the fram
racing filter and a clear one before that i can see how much gunk is coming
from my tanks. i will remove the clear one and give it a whirl. i do not
know diddle about the springs, that is why i though valve float. i have not
messed with the heads besides having seats and a three angle valve job. i
want the edelbrock heads so why bother with these. BTW who was doing the
edelbrock heads and how did they turn out. it could be the ignition but i
have a good set up as long as it is working fine. there is a ceramic
resistor that i am using. will it hurt anything to jumper past it? i would
hate to bun up the coil or dist. as much work as i have put into this i
still want more power. i think a tranny or rear gear swap will be in the
works first though.
chris in hawaii
-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Palmer <rpalmer@ames.ucsd.edu>
To: Chris Vaught <CVaught@Hawaii.rr.com>; TIGEROOTES@aol.com
Cc: tigers@autox.team.net <tigers@autox.team.net>
Date: Thursday, May 25, 2000 6:27 PM
Subject: Re: valve float
>How should I interpret "lag"? I'm going to assume that means a rather
>abrupt and permanent loss of power above 5,000 rpm. It could either be
>valve float or poor ignition, to name my most likely suspects. What do you
>have your plugs gapped at? Also, are you using a ballast resistor? If it's
>poor spark, then either closing the spark plug gaps and/or shorting out the
>ballast resistor should make a difference. What do you know about the valve
>springs in your engine? They should have a seat force of 100-150 lbs. I
>don't know of an easy way to check it accurately, but maybe you could
>figure out something. It is possible to change springs without removing the
>heads, but don't put in double or triple springs without doing the proper
>machining of the spring seats.
>One other off-the-wall thought. Do you have a fuel filter between the pump
>and fuel tank? This will cause a problem like you describe with most pumps.
>They don't like to have any restriction on the inlet side.
>Hope maybe this helps.
>At 12:56 PM 5/25/00 -0700, Chris Vaught wrote:
>>it has the factory jetting so i do not know about the jets. i have the
>>regulator set at 7psi per the manual and it is above 6psi at 5000 rpm,
>>no load. i guess i need to get one of those in dash fuel pressure gauges.
>>am going to the drag strip this weekend to tune it in better. on the
>>i am a target for some cop! those 2 1/4 flowmasters (40 series) are loud
>>when you get into it! I LOVE IT!!!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha. i am wondering if my
>>ignition is falling off due to the 13 volts on my amp gauge?
>>chris in hawaii
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: TIGEROOTES@aol.com <TIGEROOTES@aol.com>
>>To: CVaught@hawaii.rr.com <CVaught@hawaii.rr.com>
>>Date: Thursday, May 25, 2000 3:44 PM
>>Subject: Re: valve float
>> >Chris,
>> > Is the carb jetted correctly or is it going lean at high rpm's?
>> >delivery volume?
>> >Jim