i am going to put on a new battery and try it out. i do not know for sure if
the navy will ship my car as i have already shipped one when i got got rid
of some excess baggage ( ex wife ). i hope to goto Texas when i get out in
august. i have interviewed with a few companies in Dallas. any tigers there?
anyone on the list work for or know of someone who works for CSI?
chris in hawaii
-----Original Message-----
From: Theo Smit <TSMIT@isotel.com>
To: 'Chris Vaught' <CVaught@Hawaii.rr.com>; tigers@autox.team.net
Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 1:38 PM
Subject: RE: alternator
>Hi Chris,
>13.2 volts is about the minimum that you should see when the engine is
>running, just after starting the car. If the battery is dead or dying (like
>with a shorted cell) then that will influence the voltage you see also.
>Some alternators don't 'kick in' until the engine speed is increased to
>about 2000 rpm; after that they start charging normally, and the voltage
>increases to 14 volts or so.
>In my opinion, 15 volts is a little high anyway. Gets to be hard on the
>other electrical parts in the car. The heat developed in (most) electrical
>parts is proportional to the square of the voltage across them, so a 10%
>increase in operating voltage gives you 21% more heat, and a
>shorter life span.
>So is the Navy going to ship your Tiger for you? I suppose it wouldn't take
>up a lot of room on an aircraft carrier. Then again, do sub guys even talk
>to surface guys (besides with torpedos :) )?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Chris Vaught [mailto:CVaught@Hawaii.rr.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 11:29 AM
>To: tigers@autox.team.net
>Subject: alternator
>what is the minimum that my volt meter should read. i changed alt from the
>large gm alt to a smaller 63 amp chrome version. i used to have 15 volts
>now i have 13.2 or so. when i got home it would not start but i think the
>battery is bad.
>chris in hawaii