At 11:11 AM 2/11/00 -0500, you wrote:
>While mounting tires I noticed that I've got one LAT 70 whose lateral runout
>is noticeably greater than the other three. Does anyone know whether alloy
>wheel repair services can modify the lateral runout on an otherwise undamaged
>wheel? Can anyone suggest a reputable wheel repairer who can answer this
>Terry Packer
You need to de-mount the tire and test the runout on the inside and
outside and determine if the outer rim is bent or if the inside follows the
outside. If the latter is the case, simply mounting the rim using the
outside as a guide and turning a few thousands off the mounting flange
could bring the rim into very good alignment. This could be done by most
competent machine shops that have the size capability. You will have to be
sure that they pad the grips to avoid local marring of the aluminum as they
do the setup. If the inside does not follow the outside, you will be
looking for a specialty shop that can do this work. It may be more
economical to negotiate a replacement for Rick at SS.