Mike wrote:
> larry.wright@usop.com writes:
> << Hey, look at it this way; they made one item that lasted 6
> years without falling apart. Bid early, bid often! >>
> So, I interpret that comment to suggest that their catalog
> lasts longer than
> the "quality" re-pro parts they peddle?
> Cynically yours-
> Mike
Some things should be said plainly indeed, but I can never be sure
that some employee of Very Bad isn't a lurker on the List, and I'm not sure
about _proving_ what we all know to be a fact in a court of law.
I _still_ haven't actually bought any parts for the GQ on eBay,
although I buy other cool stuff. First, things are getting kinda expen$ive
-- thank you, Adam Smith. Second, I saw a pair of those cool finned-bullet
backup lamps on auction, and made a note in my Outlook Calendar to check out
progress before the auction ended this evening. But the auction is already
over, so I misunderstood the ending date or the auction was forcibly ended
early. As the T-5 tranny has an integral backup light switch, it would've
been cool to have a set of lamps, but the rectangular ones usually available
look rather gross to me. IMHO, YMMV.
Lawrence R. Wright, Purchasing Analyst
U S Office Products, Mid-Atlantic District
Formerly Andrews Office Products
Ph. 301.386.7923 Fx. 301.386.5333