Wally the rotisserie is really helpful. My car is in the body shop,
completely stripped. A fellow Tiger owner, whose body is also in same
shop and stripped, make a rotisserie. Since my work was first, the body
man use the rotisserie to work on my car and it really helped on the
under side work, as well as elevating the body to a more comfortable
work height.
While you are working on the exhaust pass through, you might want to
follow a tip from Dale A.
Using this tip, I took a 3" diameter metal conduit, put it into a vise,
and made an oval with the ID of 2 5/8". Using a carbide burr, open the
exhaust hole to fit the new pipe, and weld both ends to the cross
member. Of course repair any bad metal in the crossmember.
This not only reinforces the hole in the cross member, but allows a much
larger exhaust to pass through. I am going to use a 2 1/4" exhaust, and
may be able to pass it through cross member without crushing pipe.
This takes a little time, but well worth the effort, and while on
rotisserie much easier.
I did this in my garage first without the rotisserie by lifting the
underside of the car with ropes, and turning the car to a 90 degree
angle, on to an old mattress. Poor mans rotisserie. It worked fine.