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Re: Tiger Insurance

To: Alan Bichler <alan.bichler@gentire.com>
Subject: Re: Tiger Insurance
From: steve sage <rootes@ix.netcom.com>
Date: Thu, 05 Aug 1999 16:54:32 -0700
Alan Bichler wrote:

> All,
>    My Tiger is going to come out of storage soon and I have to get
> insurance on it.  Can anyone recommend a 3rd party insurance company?
> I'm in North Caralina.

If you're going to get full (every day driving) coverage, you may want to
check out your state Automobile Club (AAA).  I have my current Alpine (my
every day car) with them (here in southern California) and had my Tiger
with AAA also. They are very reasonable and rate the car much more on
your driving record than as if it's an exotic whatever.

Also, and very important, the couple of times I had serious Sunbeam
accidents, AAA was very excellent in taking care of things, making sure
the cars were repaired properly, etc.

Steve Sage

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