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Cross member installation

To: tigers@autox.team.net
Subject: Cross member installation
From: "Jay Laifman" <Jay_Laifman@countrywide.com>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 09:23:51 -0700

Thanks for all the great messages on lowering the cross member.

Everyone seemed to suggest the problem was not lowering it, but raising it.

I had a thought.  What if you got really long bolts that had the same
thread.  When the front it is raised, but with a gap between the cross
member and the frame, you pushed one of these long bolts up through the
cross member.  This would allow you to actually see where the bolt was and
the hole, and even guide the bolt into the hole.  You could do this on two
holes.  And then the two long bolts would serve as guides to position the
cross member correctly as you raised it.  Once it is raised all the way,
you put in the two standard size bolts, then remove the two long ones and
replace them with the correct ones.

Just a thought.  I realize that the cross member will need to be tilted to
the correct angle.  But that seems infinitely easier being able to see
everything than lying on your back trying to find those dang holes,
worrying that the thing is going to fall on you.


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