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Re: Re:Bill and Grace (Sunbeam accident)

To: Tigers@autox.team.net, alpines@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Re:Bill and Grace (Sunbeam accident)
From: Chris.S.Mottram@ecc.com
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 13:41:37 -0400

Chris S. Mottram@ECCI
07/14/99 01:41 PM

Unless he installed a rollbar in the last few weeks, there was NO rollbar.
He just put on a new soft top so I doubt he had his hardtop on either.  :-(


"JAN HARDE" <harde@cyberesc.net> on 07/14/99 12:01:30 PM

To:   Chris S. Mottram/AMPAC/ECCI
Subject:  Re: Re:Bill and Grace (Sunbeam accident)


Thank You for the information, I am shocked and feel for them, I hope she
will be O.K. do you know if the car had a rollbar or not?? Do they have
children, and do you know their age.
I am so sorry this happened upon their return from a fun event.
I know you might not know the answers, and I am sorry to bother you, just

                                            Warm regards,
                                           Jan S-E Harde
Monkey Bikes and Mini Trail *FUN*  : http://www.monkeybike.com
TIGER pages: http://www.monkeybike.com/pinkbunny.html
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----- Original Message -----
From: <Chris.S.Mottram@ecc.com>
To: <Tigers@autox.team.net>; <alpines@autox.team.net>
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 1999 8:47 AM
Subject: Re:Bill and Grace (Sunbeam accident)

> Chris S. Mottram@ECCI
> 07/14/99 11:47 AM
> I am very sorry to hear this.  Bill has helped me out many times and he
> a friend.  I hope he and Grace recover soon.
> Chris
> Marcy Wrote:
> To our Sunbeam Family:
>      It is with regret that we must inform all our Sunbeam friends that
> of  our friends who attended SUNI lll were in an accident on their return
> trip home.   Bill  Cartus and Ginger Townsend were taken to Columbia
> University Hospital in Columbia, Mo.  Bill has been discharged as of
> Tuesday
> July 13 and is on his way back to Atlanta.  Ginger remains hospitilized
> critical condition.  We feel it would be nice for all Sunbeam owners and
> members to give our support for her recovery by sending cards and well
> wishes
> to the hospital.    Bill's address is 2810 Brookside Run, Snellville, Ga.
> 30278.
>      Please send this information on to other members who might not be on
> the
> internet.
>      Bill and Ginger were eastbound on I-70 near Columbia, Mo. about 1:30
> in
> the afternoon when a tire blew and they lost control of the car.  Bill's
> car
> was totally destroyed  in a multiple roll over.
>      Thanks in advance for your support to Bill and Ginger
> Robert Jackson
> David and Marcia Schumacher
> Guy and Sandy Stephenson

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