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Re: Comments with NO TIGER CONTENT

To: Allan Connell <alcon@earthlink.net>
Subject: Re: Comments with NO TIGER CONTENT
From: steve sage <rootes@ix.netcom.com>
Date: Thu, 08 Oct 1998 23:35:41 -0700
Allan Connell wrote:

> Bob,
> Even as one of your most ardent fans, I must take particular exception to
> your comparison of a Doberman Pincher to a Poodle.  Though I postulate your
> reference was with regard to temperament, you do a great disservice to
> Poodles with your albeit indirect reference to intelligence.  It is well
> documented in the literature that Poodles are substantially more intelligent
> than Doberman Pinchers.  As a matter of fact: the preponderance of the
> studies has clearly  demonstrated beyond a reasonable doubt Poodles are by
> far and away the most intelligent of all the canines. Period.
> Now, can we say the same for longer rods? :)  Sounds as though I may need to
> bring my attack Poodles (trained War Dogs,) to the next SOGSD meeting.
> Clueless in San Diego,
> Allan
> <<seems a bit like trading a poodle for a Doberman pinscher, >>

Currently being four cylinders short of a V8 (Series V Alpine), I nevertheless
feel qualified to speak on the subject (dogs, not rod lengths). Carrie Sage,
being the official C.A.T. Dog (or at least I say she is until I can coerce
someone else into editing Tiger Tales, our club magazine, at which point they
can do whatever the heck they want!) happens to be a poodle, and a darn smart
one at that, having picked me and Jane as her parents. Somehow, her picture gets
in the magazine more than any other dog. I wonder how that happens!

Steve Sage

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