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Re: bag o bolts

To: netscott@earthlink.net
Subject: Re: bag o bolts
From: Steve Laifman <laifman@flash.net>
Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 07:19:31 -0700
netscott@earthlink.net wrote:

> as i remove the years of paint off the heads of bolts, most of them
> body type,
> i't seems i have many different names on the heads.
> auto
> crs
> sparts
> tr
> wiley
> wwr
> is there any reason for this?
> scott
> B9472628

There are usually two reasons:
1) Some "specialty" fasteners are only made by a few companies, while
others. that are more commonly used, are made by many.
2) The job always goes to the lowest bidder, or the buyer's 'brother'.

Steve Laifman         < One first kiss,       >
B9472289              < one first love, and   >
                      < one first win, is all >
                      < you get in this life. >

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