At 11:22 AM 9/4/98 -0700, Norman C. Miller wrote:
>Updating the Monterey episode might be a little overdue, so here goes.
>1. Last week the shop answering machine regurgitated an out-of-the-blue
>message from Dale A. Now this is not a guy I would not hear from on a
>normal basis, so one ponders the intent of such a call.
Trying to trick us with the old double-negative Norm?? NOT A CHANCE!!! Now
come clean; when are you and Dale expecting the first shipment of Yugers
from Poland??
>The short of it was a statement that our errant MK II (B382100523) had
been sold by its previous owners, the Nasser contingent (I think Phil, even
though the "Registry" lists Jim) a full year ago to the owner of the
auction company -
>$18,000 was the reported exchange rate. Looking back to the "Harde
>Chronicles", finds dates of October '97 and the "for-sale" ad in Hemmings
>($19,500) confirms the approximate timeline. I guess that might mean the
>"nads" are somewhat smaller than first thought, but beyond that it seems
>the banditos are still banditos - dah.
Ever since Gamal Abdel died, the whole family has gone to hell!! The high
point was the Suez Canal takeover, now they are reduced to selling phoney
British cars for a living. What is the world coming to??
>2. Then we have an e-mail response (Sept. 1) from the auction house
>indicating an "as is" policy concerning the sale of contraband (sorry
>couldn't resist), followed by an unusually informed understanding of the
>"Alger" definition.
>>=85We do not normally undertake in-depth research on relatively=
>>cars, because as the value of a car decreases, condition becomes more
>>important than provenance as a factor in determining value. (A concours
>>but non-correct example can bring more than a correct but cosmetically=
blah, blah, blah - - -
>>Nonetheless, I do appreciate the contact you have provided, and I will=
>>use of them=85.
Summary: Nobody givesashit about our cheap little cars!! No wonder we Tiger
owners have such attitudes!! Maybe the DMV would be a little more
interested. I'll bet this is not the only case of hanky-panky by these
auction guys.
Bob Palmer