I am forwarding this post, which originated in Kopp's office; it states
that Oct 18th is the date for action, presumably by the Gov's office.
Bill Rogers
> From: GCScoop@aol.com
> To: tigers@autox.team.net
> Subject: SB:42 Update
> Date: Wednesday, September 24, 1997 9:28 AM
> SB42. Still on Pete's desk.
> >>
> From: Office SC08 [SMTP:Senator.Kopp@SEN.CA.GOV]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 1997 3:03 PM
> To: Gary Cooper
> Subject: RE: SB 42
> If signed, SB 42 would become law January 1, 1998.
> You may contact the Governor with your support at
> PeteWilson@ca.gov
> I will gladly add you to a list of those interested in being
> advised the fate of SB 42, which is scheduled to be acted upon
> by October 18th. <<
> Gary Cooper