Although the environmentalist crowd will tell you that the metal
comtaminants make the otherwise benign solution toxic.
At 11:38 AM 6/22/97 -0400, D. Leithauser wrote:
>Not that I want to incure the wrath of the enviormentalist crowd, but I
>don't think that antifreeze is a major problem. I understand that in some
>areas it is legal to dump it down the drain and let the sewage treatment
>plant deal with it. It will kill your pets if the drink it, and I hear they
>find it tasty. If you are striving to be Mr. good citizen, you could
>probably get a auto repair shop to take it if it's not too contaminated.
Frank Marrone MK I Tiger B9471116 1966 LTD
Series I Alpine "fix me"
Yamaha Seca 900