You should have attachment points for three point belts built into the car,
though they may be a bit rusty by now. My Mk 1A has two threaded fittings in
the floor right behind each seat, and a third on the wheel well for the shoulder
belt. Look in the wheel well for that one, then poke something thru the vinyl
to find where to cut.
I installed Kangol three point belts that were recycled out of an old Mercedes
of late '60s vintage. I installed similar ones in my German Capri years back.
Some have the tri-star on them, but mine have just a Kangol label. These have a
really neat, tricky buckle, are of British manufacture, and the brand does
apparently have some history in Sunbeams. The Mercedes bolts fit the Tiger's
threads perfectly, which I didn't understand, but why complain. I've had kids
of varying sizes in the car, either in booster seats or just in the seat, and
they seem to do OK on position. Never tried a regular baby seat, though.
Once you have the metal bits, there are outfits in Hemmings that can replace the
I hope this helps.