> Rick
> There is an excellent book by Motorbooks International of Osceola
> entitled "How to Restore Your Collector Car,"; authorTom Bromwell. It gives
> detailed plans for construction of a parts washer, hydraulic press, and frame
> tilter. It also contains a lengthy discussion of various homemade
> stripping and rust removal solutions. It reccomends a mixture of lye or
> Good luck
> Brian Corrigan
I agree, excellent book. Brownell also suggests using trisodium
phosphate in place of lye. I've tried both solution, heated over a camp
stove. Both do a good job of cleaning oil/grease and stripping paint.
TSP has the advantage of being friendlier to the skin, but isn't
available in all states.
Another method of stripping paint from small steel parts is carburetor
cleaner- the dip kind. Strong alkaline solutions really chew up paints
and plastics fast.
Be careful with non ferrous metals with any of the above. I used 3M's
water based stripper to remove the paint from my Cobra. It worked
quite well.
As for parts washers, I have to wonder whether they are worth making
yourself. various sizes are available from a number of mail order
suppliers for what seems like very reasonable prices to me.