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some things never change...

To: <>
Subject: some things never change...
From: "Wm. Severin Thompson" <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 10:36:40 -0600
This is Sorry Ass Thompson reporting...

Glad to see the the VSCDA hasn't changed the pricing policy of the winter
awards banquet...

Let's see, at $35 a pop, Veronica and I will total $70... add $70 each for my
daughters, maybe another $70 if the lovely veronica's daughter should like to
attend...) .. for a nice round sum of $210-$280... (for $20 worth of pasta at
a "subsidized" dinner...).

Bet that $2500 ice sculpture will be a thing of beauty though...

SA Thompson
(trouble seems to find me... don't know why...)

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