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RE: bovine love!

To: "'Kansa, Robert'" <>,
Subject: RE: bovine love!
From: Jim Hill <>
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 11:47:07 -0500
Robert [We're not in ] Kansa[s anymore] wrote:

> in ohio we do things a little diffrent..we hold the right nose
> closed of the cow and wait to have him snort through the other, sorta a
> bovine bj..."told ya booty jo"!!

I guess you DO do things different in Ohio . . . here in the Midwestern
Peoples Republic, the whole key to the procedure you refer to is that it
doesn't actually involve any blowing at all. On the contrary . . .

In addition, we don't normally refer to a "cow" as "him" either - you may
have a whole different thing going on there in Ohio.

Jim Hill
Madison WI

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