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RE: Virus warning: "I love you" messages

To: "Tony Drews" <>, "Drews, Chris" <>,
Subject: RE: Virus warning: "I love you" messages
From: "Aniko Rigo Neumann" <>
Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 11:41:26 -0400
You are so right. This is NO joke. We now have 5 corporate clients infected.
Read it and weep:
There is a procedure to be found on the ZDNet site that is a manual fix.

>From someone who's machine is infected:
"this program opens every other script file on the machine and replaces it
with this virus script.......does the same with jpg's and mp3's. Then it
adds some stuff to MIRC if you have it to automatically send the file to
MIRC users"

Should you get hit, you can stop the virus in it's tracks by if you act VERY
quickly by:
Windows NT users: right click on the task bar, click on Task Manager, then
select 'wscript.exe' and click on 'end task'. Then you move on to cleaning
up your system.

Best of luck!

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Tony Drews
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2000 10:53 AM
To: Drews, Chris; Drews, Jack; Schaubroeck, Beth; Schaubroeck, Tim;
Drews, Samantha; Drews, Julie at work; Meditech-L list; MUSE List;
O'Connor, Molly; Team Thicko; Amici Triumphi
Subject: Virus warning: "I love you" messages

Hi, there's a new virus in the field that the anti-virus companies are
scrambling to get a fix for.  Several large companies in our area
(including ours) have been infected with it.  It is a message entitled
"I love you" and contains an attachment which it urges you to open.  If
you open it, you have the virus, and it just sent it to all of the folks
in your address book.  Delete the message immediately, and then delete
it again from your wastebasket or deleted messages folder.

- Tony Drews

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